While on the one hand bamboo, a grass, is strong, versatile and a highly renewable material which grows quick and easy, it is a labour-intensive product and helps create jobs and income. While most building materials are industry-produced, bamboo links agriculture to the construction sector.
- S.K. Pandey, retired forester, currently working as adviser to TERI andNMBA
In News
Paticipation in Flora 07 international exhibition held at Pragati Maidan New Delhi
September 12-14 , 2007
Thousand Petals participated in Flora 07 exhibition with little apprehension but with encouragement and sponsorship by NMBA. To our surprise many people visited our stall and engaged in serious discussions about technology. Many of them have already visited our polyhouses in Maharashtra and have placed orders with us. People not only visited our stall but some offered to take up polyhouse erection activity in their respective zone as a business. NHB directors showed keen interest in our polyhouses. They also offered to take this up for discussion in their office to provide further benefits and help propagate technolgy to farmers. Eminent Scientist Mr. Swaminathan and various dignitaries appreciated the concept. There is a keen interest in corporate visitors to construct ‘Edke type’ polyhouses on large scale.
