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Bamboo Facts
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While on the one hand bamboo, a grass, is strong, versatile and a highly renewable material which grows quick and easy, it is a labour-intensive product and helps create jobs and income.  While most building materials are industry-produced, bamboo links agriculture to the construction sector.
- S.K. Pandey, retired forester, currently working as adviser to TERI andNMBA

Edke Type Bamboo polyhouses

Polyhouses provide a possibility of multifold production of any vegetation grown in it. Additionally, fruits, vegetables or flowers are grown with consistant quality and with less amount of resources. The saving tyically is on water, fumigation and pest control.

In Edke type polyhouses, Bamboo is the main ingredient used. Due to bamboo the cost of erecting polyhouses has come down. These are hybrid structures in which steel is used in appropriate manner. Our Patented Technology attaches a steel pipe to Bamboo in every structural column. Due to that bamboo never touches the ground So insects in the ground viz. white ants cannot attack bamboo structure nor can the moisture affect bamboo! Also these structures are less heat conducting meaning that temperature variation outside the polyhouse is less proportionately transferred inside. So inside these polyhouses plants feel less hot in scorching sunny conditions and warmer in extreme cold conditions compared to metal polyhouses.

Thousand Petals Polyhouses Pvt. Ltd has tried to create a social enterprise where local people are trained and made capable of erecting polyhouses on their own. Not only these earn wages but can become enterpreuner themselves. For this we have adopted very simple engineering techniques and gadgets.

Since the return on polyhouse investment has become shorter even average farmer can build these to grow wide variety of vegetation.

Please click here to download the Bamboo Polyhouse presentation. (size 1.4 MB)

Please click here to view video of 'Bamboo Polyhouses - A Green Boon' by NMBA