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Bamboo Facts
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Edke Type Bamboo Polyhouses | Low-Cost Housing | Low-Cost Toilets | Agro Systems
While on the one hand bamboo, a grass, is strong, versatile and a highly renewable material which grows quick and easy, it is a labour-intensive product and helps create jobs and income.  While most building materials are industry-produced, bamboo links agriculture to the construction sector.
- S.K. Pandey, retired forester, currently working as adviser to TERI andNMBA

Agro Systems

Thousand Petal's Remote Vision:

A farmer having mobile with camera, can click pictures of his plants, flowers or any produce. These pictures are sent to expert for opinion. Expert's opinion will be given to each farmer. The same application can be used for various scenarios:

  • Remote Supervisor: Decipher the progress he is making on the polyhouse and a panel of experts will guide him with necessary inputs with the help of these pictures taken of 'Work-in-Progress'.

  • Agri-Ambulance: This mobile application can be further used by the farmer to send pictures of his crop in case of any problems and an expert panel to advise the farmer about how to solve the problem.

  • Relevant logistics: The farmer can be given advice on post harvest logistics viz. How much crop he should take or what the market conditions are, these messages can be sent across to the farmer via these software application at a minimal cost.

  • Active Trader Connection: The crucial connection between the farmer and the trader also needs to happen and this can be achieved by sending the picture of the produce to the trader and get the best price for the farmer's produce.